Writers Dispatch, Issue 4

October 6, 2014 • ISSUE 4 • News, Notes, & Events for Writers

Welcome to issue 4 of Writers Dispatch, brought to you by Small Print Magazine.


Literary Lions Unite in Protest Over Amazon’s E-Book Tactics by David Streitfeld | NY Times http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/29/business/literary-lions-unite-in-protest-over-amazons-e-book-tactics.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&smid=tw-nytimes&_r=3

Google’s Play Newsstand App Makes Reading Print Magazines On Phones Easier by Frederic Lardinois | TechCrunch http://techcrunch.com/2014/10/02/googles-play-newsstand-app-makes-reading-print-magazines-on-phones-easier/

The NewPages website has been updated and upgraded.

Wattpad: Digital Storytelling With A Social Twist | Digital Book World http://www.digitalbookworld.com/2014/wattpad-digital-storytelling-with-a-social-twist/

One-third of ebooks Sold on Amazon are Self-published | The Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/amazon/10980706/One-in-three-ebooks-sold-on-Amazon-are-self-published.html

Why a Good Editor is Like a Good Psychotherapist by Nina Gaby | Brevity’s Nonfiction Blog http://brevity.wordpress.com/2014/10/03/why-a-good-editor-is-like-a-good-psychotherapist/

No, I don’t want to read your self-published book by Ron Charles | The Washington Post Style Blog  http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/style-blog/wp/2014/10/01/no-i-dont-want-to-read-your-self-published-book/

When Buying Fountain Pens, Splurging (a Little) Is Totally Worth It. Reviewed by Richard Baguley | Wired www.wired.com/2014/09/fountain-pen-hi-low/

5 Tips for Writing Suspense by Kira Peikoff | Writer’s Digest http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/guide-to-literary-agents/5-tips-for-writing-suspense

The Trouble with Writing by Michelle Huneven | The Millions http://www.themillions.com/2014/09/the-trouble-with-writing-by-michelle-huneven.html

How to explain your story without using backstory | Now Novel http://www.nownovel.com/blog/explain-story-without-using-backstory/

How To Write Poetry: Make It Easy For Editors To Say YES To Your Poems | Writer’s Relief http://writersrelief.com/blog/2014/04/how-to-write-poetry/

7 Point-of-View Basics Every Writer Should Know by Jody Hedlund http://jodyhedlund.blogspot.ca/2014/09/7-point-of-view-basics-every-writer.html

Dire Consequences – How to get your characters into trouble by Anthony Ehlers | Writers Write http://writerswrite.co.za/dire-consequences-how-to-get-your-characters-into-trouble


Are you ready for NaNoWriMo?

National Novel Writing Month begins on November 1.  Stop by Nano Prep to get your, well, prep.


A Way with Words is a public radio program about language examined through history, culture, and family. http://www.waywordradio.org/

Inside The New York Times Book Review Podcast – NYTimes.com http://www.nytimes.com/ref/books/books-podcast-archive.html?pagewanted=all

Oct 3, 2014

This week, Walter Isaacson discusses “The Innovators”; John Williams has news from the literary world; John Branch talks about “Boy on Ice”; and Gregory Cowles has best-seller news. Pamela Paul is the host.

Bookworm Hosted by Michael Silverblatt
Intellectual, accessible, and provocative literary conversations. http://www.kcrw.com/news-culture/shows/bookworm/

Dylan Landis: Rainey Royal | Landis’ novel, a series of chronological short-stories, follows the lives of three vulnerable, precocious girls as they pass through adolescence in 1970s New York. http://www.kcrw.com/news-culture/shows/bookworm/dylan-landis-rainey-royal

I Should Be Writing by Mur Lafferty ISBW #332 – Feedback – The Murverse Annex http://murverse.com/isbw-332-feedback/ (same as last week while Mur has her Mac in for repairs)


Screenwriters John August and Craig Mazin discuss screenwriting and related topics in the film and television industry, everything from getting stuff written to the vagaries of copyright and work-for-hire law.


Episode: 164

Guardians of the Galaxy’s Nicole Perlman
September 30, 2014

Craig and John talk with Guardians co-writer Nicole Perlman about the development of this summer’s blockbuster, and her two years as part of Marvel’s in-house writing program. It’s a great look at how movies get started, and the dozens of drafts you didn’t see on the big screen.



Absolute Write Water Cooler (hosted by absolutewrite.com, Powered by vBulletin® Version 3.8.5)

This is a very active online forum where everything related to writing is covered.


Crime Scene Questions for Writers (Yahoo group)

A forum for asking and answering crime scene investigation, applied forensics, and police procedure questions for fiction or non-fiction writers. Writers are invited to ask and crime scene investigators, forensic scientists, and medical practitioners are invited to answer. Of course, experienced writers are invited to help the newer ones and each other. [WD note: This forum should prove useful for all writers. You’ll need a Yahoo account to join this group.]



Prairie Schooner

Reading period: September 1 to May 1
Prairie Schooner publishes short stories, poems, imaginative essays of general interest, and reviews of current books of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. NO simultaneous submissions.
For more information, see: http://prairieschooner.unl.edu/?q=submit

Ginosko Literary Journal

2nd Ginosko Flash Fiction Contest. $500 prize, $10 entry fee. Two pieces, 800 words each maximum.  See: http://ginoskoliteraryjournal.com/contest.htm for more information.

Small Print Magazine

Small Print Magazine seeks Creative Nonfiction.


Raymond Wong Memoir

Raymond Wong, whose creative nonfiction and book reviews appear in Small Print Magazine, has released his memoir I’m Not Chinese: The Journey from Resentment to Reverence (Apprentice House). See: https://smallprintmagazine.com/im-not-chinese-the-journey-from-resentment-to-reverence/

Ginosko Literary Journal, Issue 15 is available as a free PDF download.

Tahoma Literary Review, Issue 1 is available in print and efile formats. Some efiles are free.


Welsh poet and author Dannie Abse has died aged 91. | BBC  http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-29406262

Poets, Writers Remember Seamus Heaney | The Emory Wheel http://www.emorywheel.com/poets-writers-remember-heaney/

Ben Logan, author of The Land Remembers and The Empty Meadow, died September 19, 2014, at the age of 94.  Logan is remembered here by Howard Sherpe. | Westby Times http://lacrossetribune.com/westbytimes/news/opinion/editorial/columnists/ben-logan-a-gifted-man-and-writer/article_cbda50d5-74e8-5d3c-9e4d-817c59780063.html

Dan Starr, publisher of Seattle Post-Intelligencer for more than decade, died on September 4, at age 98. http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2024644644_starrobitxml.html


Publishing Jobs Lists:

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Small Print Magazine News in Brief

Small Print Magazine is now available through: MagCloud (POD & Flipbook), ISSUU, Magzter, the Apple Store, Google Play Store, on our website as text and a PDF download.

Our Fall 2014 issue is in production. We read manuscripts throughout the year.

Email Writers Dispatch at wd@smallprintmagazine.com to list your writing news or event. All submissions should be under 50 words and contain a web address. If possible, include an image and permission to use image.

We publish writing and publishing news, events, submission calls, market closings, obituaries, and links. Deadline for materials is 1 p.m. EST every Thursday.

Writers Dispatch is available as a newsletter (sign up at http://eepurl.com/3yWlr ) and on the Small Print Magazine website ( https://smallprintmagazine.com/category/writers-dispatch/ ).

© 2014 Small Print Magazine. All Rights Reserved. Small Print Magazine reserves the right reject material. All content not created by Writers Dispatch remains property of the cited websites, articles, blogs, podcasts, journals, etc.

