Small Print Magazine Publishes:
From flash pieces to 8,000 words, literary and genre. Serialized and longer pieces will be considered. We do not publish political commentary or editorials.
Up to 6 poems submitted in one computer file
Up to 2,000 words. Reviews are limited to books covering the art, craft, and business of writing.
Articles on the CRAFT of WRITING
Subjects include writers, editors, publishers, booksellers, librarians, cartoonists, et cetera.
Software & hardware reviews relevant to writers
Single-Panel and strips, humorous or not, dealing with the writing life or the creative process in general. Other subjects will be considered. Sophisticated to simple. Our readers are educated, creative adults. The majority of our readers are located in North America and Europe, but our market is worldwide.
THEMES: writing, writing tools, creative process, memory, recollection, reading, gadgets, the human condition, existential angst, enlightenment, eureka moments, l'esprit de l'escalier, respite, education, libraries, book collecting, distractions, et cetera.
SUBMITTING: Single-panels & Strips. Send up to three sample digital files as JPEG, PNG, PDF, EPS, or TIFF. You may also submit a link to your online portfolio. Use the Submittable link below.
RIGHTS: Artist/writer retains all rights to work, granting Small Print Magazine permission to publish and use the work on our website and on social media to promote Small Print Magazine. Artist/writer credit will accompany any use of work.
A SAMPLE of ARTISTS/WRITERS WE ADMIRE: Gary Larson, Lynda Barry, Roz Chast, Mimi Pond, Emily Flake, Tom Cheney, Karen Sneider, Liza Donnelly, Alex Gregory, Harvey Pekar, Robert Crumb, Art Spiegelman, Charles Burns, Julia Suits, Matthew Diffee.
We accept only unpublished writing. Do not submit previously published material. This includes work published in chapbooks, anthologies, or existing online in any form (blogs, e-zines, public forums, et cetera).
Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please notify us immediately if your submission is accepted elsewhere while we have your work. With the exception of poetry, submit only one piece of writing within the same category until you receive a response from us. We cannot guarantee a response for all simultaneous submissions.
→ If your simultaneous submission is over 6 months old, it no longer under consideration.
Work submitted exclusively to Small Print Magazine will receive priority reading over simultaneous submissions. Please use the drop-down menu in our submission form to indicate simultaneous or exclusive submission and indicate this in “Your Message to Small Print Magazine” text field in our submission form.
After submitting work to Small Print Magazine, you will be added to our mailing list. You may remove your address from the list after receiving the first newsletter. (We don't sell or share our list.)
Style & Usage Guides
Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition
Garner’s Modern American Usage by Bryan A. Garner
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition
New Oxford American Dictionary, 3rd edition
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary
PAYMENT: e-book copies of any electronic version of Small Print Magazine in which artist's / writer's work appears.
RESPONSE TIME: 1-6 months for exclusive submissions, occasionally longer when work is under consideration or when we receive a large number of submissions. If you don't hear from us within 6 months, feel free to contact us. (See below.) We make no response-time guarantee for simultaneous submissions.
PUBLISHING FREQUENCY: Publishing frequency varies.
Accepted work may appear in digital (e-book) versions of Small Print Magazine and online on our website. Authors will have final approval rights over edited material; however, if the editors cannot reach the author, the edited work may be published without final approval. Fully cited excerpts of accepted work may appear in Small Print Magazine promotional materials, on our website, and on social media.
(Upon acceptance, authors will receive a simple contract outlining the permissions requested by Small Print Magazine, which are limited to use in Small Print Magazine and on Authors retain copyright to their work.)
Please submit only your best work.
(We accept .doc, .docx, .wpd, .odt, .rtf, .txt files.)
We do not publish derivative work or fan fiction. Please read the work on Small Print Magazine before sending us your work.

Small Print Magazine uses Submittable Submissions Manager. There is no charge to submit your work, but you must have an account with Submittable. It's easy to set up and free to use.
or use the Submittable interface.