Book Reviews, Tool Review & Resource, Craft Articles, Craft Books, Links for Writers, Self-Publishing
The Lifespan of a Fact
by John D’Agata and Jim Fingal
Reviewed by Raymond M. Wong | online soon
Scapple: The Software You
Didn’t Know You Needed
by Gene Wilburn | online soon
Tablet Writing: iPad & Android
by Gene Wilburn
Distraction-Free Editors
by Gene Wilburn
**bold text**
What is Markdown?
by Gene Wilburn
"Markdown is easy to learn and to use. For instance, surrounding text in asterisks *like this* will produce like this in the converted document. To bold text an entry you use two asterisks, e.g. **bold text**. Other attributes are similarly easy.
For those of us who like writing with a minimalist editor, Markdown and MultiMarkdown provide the best of both worlds—plain text with word-processing attributes when needed."
Small Print Magazine seeks creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, cartoons, craft book reviews, and articles on the craft of writing. Interviews and other writing-related feature articles also considered. We read year-round. NO READING FEES.
See our submission page for more information: SUBMISSIONS
Your Most Important Character
Developing Place in Fiction
by Denton Loving
From ‘Good Enough’ to ‘Amazing’
How to Become a Better Editor of Your Own Work
by Robyn Ryle
A Short Course in Structure
Writing Tips for the Committed Novelist
by Jack Remick
7 Tips for Surviving NaNoWriMo
From Buffy the Vampire Slayer
by Robyn Ryle
Notes on NaNoWriMo
by Margaret Fieland
Craft Books
Links for Writers